Frequent Thoughts 2016 Wood, Steel Inspired in part by AC power, experiments were conducted via printmaking to determine how static two dimensional geometric images might convey a sense of movement. The results from the experimentation (see images of prints below), were then used as a loose set of "blueprints" or "building plans" that would allow the two dimensional image to be translated into a three dimensional kinetic sculpture.



Inspired in part by AC power, experiments were conducted via printmaking to determine how static two dimensional geometric images might convey a sense of movement. The results from the experimentation (see images of prints below), were then used as a loose set of “blueprints” or “building plans” that would allow the two dimensional image to be translated into a three dimensional kinetic sculpture.

Frequent Thoughts is powered by a 2 rpm DC gear motor. In addition to the two 13 and 15 teeth perpendicular spur gears that transfer movement from the vertical gears to the horizontal gears, the gears which rotate each sinusoidal wire range from 50 to 60 teeth, creating a gear ratio that is nearly 1 to 1 for every gear, but not quite. In order for the original pattern to repeat itself, it will require 4,698,032,625 revolutions of the motor, a period lasting nearly 4500 years.